Welcome to my blog where I sometimes talk about stuff.

enthalPy complete

April 14, 2015

My partner Steve Boddez and I completed our game enthalPy for our school project. The game was written in python3 and uses the pygame library. This video is a single player demo of our game.View source code on Github.

Added Some Dynamic Content

January 25, 2015

Using Twitch and Github's API I added some dynamic content to the site. Whenever I'm streaming now, an icon will appear on the right-side of the navigation bar indicating that I'm streaming. Using Github's API I wrote a script that can pull an arbitrary amount of latest public commits from any user. Using that data, HTML is generated and loaded onto the site. I also cleaned up some of the existing Java-Script, I cut down the function that handles updating the project viewer from about 80 lines to 10 lines of code.

More Updates and Future Plans

January 7, 2015

On the home page all missing content was added. The icons missing from the about section were added and the code snip-its for the project viewer have also been added. I also added a description for each snip-it to provide some context. As of now the site design has been finalized and all missing content has been added, however I still have some ideas I am planning on implementing in the future. I would like to optimize this site for mobile devices by writing a separate style-sheet designed for mobile viewing. I would also like to implement syntax coloring in the project viewer. From now on I will be casually updating this site and implementing new features as school is about to pick up the pace again.

Lots of updates just went down

December 7, 2014

Hey, as you can see the whole site has been basically redesigned (or should I say properly designed). The main page now has some information about me and my projects, as well as an interactive code snip-it viewer. I still need to get some icons for the last two pictures in the about section as well as add a description box for the snip-it viewer. Overall I'm super happy with how the site is looking so far and am planning on continuously updating it as time permits. This blog page could also look better but one step at a time haha. Okay time to get back to the final study grind!

Done midterms!!

November 4, 2014

Finally done midterms hahah, now need to catch up on assignments. Im working on a postlab now... its getting late I should go back to it, hopefully ill get time to update site soon!

Under Development | Developed by George Antonious | 2015